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What to Do After a Car Accident in Seattle?

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    What to Do After a Car Accident in Seattle?

    After a car accident remember these tips:

    1. Remain calm and non-confrontational.
    2. Call the police and ask that the officer files a police report. If an officer is not able to respond file an accident report within 72 hours of the incident. File a report with the Washington State Patrol.
    3. Obtain the vehicle driver’s insurance information, address, phone number and license plate number.
    4. Request the name, phone number and address of every witness.
    5. Take care of yourself—make sure you seek any necessary medical treatment.
    6. Take photographs of the accident scene, your injuries, and all other involved vehicles.
    7. Do not give a statement to the vehicle driver’s insurance without first consulting us.
    8. Do not rush into any settlement until you know the full extent of your injuries and rights—contact us for a complimentary consultation.

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    Larry A. Lehmbecker
    Firm Founder, Larry Lehmbecker, has nearly 40 years of experience fighting for the injured in Washington State. He is always eager to share his knowledge to help those in need.
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    Our attorneys and paralegals have decades of experience to help ensure you get the proper treatment for your injuries.
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