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Spokane Construction Accident Lawyer

Spokane Construction Accident Lawyer

Construction sites in Spokane and across Washington State are bustling hubs of activity, but they can also be dangerous places where construction accidents occur with alarming frequency. If you've been injured in a construction site accident, you need an experienced construction site injury attorney who understands the intricacies of these cases and will fight tirelessly for your rights.
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Years in Business
Of Cases Won

Our dedicated team of construction accident lawyers at Lehmbecker Law is here to guide you through the legal process and help you seek the compensation you deserve for your construction accident claim.

Lehmbecker Law: Your Trusted Spokane Construction Accident Attorneys

At our law office, we pride ourselves on our team of skilled and compassionate personal injury attorneys. Each construction accident lawyer brings a unique set of skills and experiences to the table, ensuring that we can handle even the most complicated construction accident claims.

Our attorneys have over three decades of experience in personal injury law, with a particular focus on construction site accidents in Spokane and throughout Eastern Washington.

Our legal team stays up-to-date with the latest developments in construction safety regulations and personal injury law. We've successfully represented countless injured workers and their families, securing fair compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering.

When you choose our law firm, you're not just getting a lawyer; you're gaining a dedicated advocate who will stand by your side throughout the entire legal process.

How Common Are Construction Accidents in Washington State?

The construction industry in Washington State, particularly in urban areas like Spokane, continues to grow rapidly. However, this growth comes with a concerning increase in construction site accidents.

Tragically, 2022 saw a disturbing spike in work-related fatalities, with 26 lives lost in the private construction sector alone — a stark rise from the previous year's 18, according to the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics. This alarming trend extends statewide, with a total of 104 fatal work injuries recorded in 2022, marking a devastating 31-case increase.

The human cost of these statistics is immense, and highlights a crucial issue: many injured workers remain unaware of their rights and the compensation they deserve.

The multilayered aspects of construction accident cases, often involving multiple parties and insurance companies, make it essential to have an experienced construction accident attorney on your side.

Our law firm is committed to helping injured workers navigate these challenging legal waters and pursue the maximum compensation they deserve.

Types of Construction Accidents in Washington: High-Risk Areas

Construction sites in Washington State present various hazards that can lead to serious injuries. Some of the most common types of construction accidents we see in Spokane and surrounding areas include:

  • Falls from heights
  • Scaffolding collapses
  • Electrical accidents
  • Trench collapses
  • Machinery accidents
  • Struck-by objects
  • Caught-in/between accidents
  • Explosions and fires

Certain areas within construction sites are particularly prone to accidents:

  • Roofing and elevated work areas
  • Unfinished floors and stairways
  • Excavation sites
  • Areas with heavy machinery operation
  • Zones with overhead work

Every situation is unique, so if you were injured in an accident type or area not listed above, contact us for more information. We’re here to support victims of every type of construction accident.

What Are the Main Causes of Construction Accidents in Washington State?

The alarming rise in construction accidents in Washington State is not just a matter of unfortunate happenstance. Beneath the surface of booming development lies a network of systemic issues and preventable factors that contribute to the alarming frequency of workplace injuries and fatalities.

The most common causes of construction site accidents include:

  • Safety violations: Failure to adhere to workplace OSHA safety regulations, inadequate safety training, or lack of proper supervision can lead to accidents.
  • Defective equipment or tools: Malfunctioning machinery, worn-out tools, or lack of maintenance can lead to catastrophic accidents.
  • Hazardous environments: Unstable structures, slippery surfaces, poor lighting, or exposure to hazardous substances can contribute to injuries.
  • Communication breakdowns: Miscommunication between workers, supervisors, or subcontractors can result in dangerous misunderstandings and accidents.
  • Fatigue and overexertion: Long hours, demanding physical labor, and pressure to meet deadlines can lead to exhaustion and mistakes.

Numerous parties have various duties of care to ensure that construction workers can expect a reasonable degree of safety on the job. When those parties break their duties of care, they can be held liable for the resulting injuries.

Common Injuries on Construction Sites

Construction site accidents often result in severe injuries that can have long-lasting impacts on workers' lives. Some of the most common injuries we see in Spokane construction accident cases include:

These serious injuries can lead to significant medical bills, lost wages, and long-term disability.

Eligibility for Compensation After a Construction Injury

If you've been injured in a construction accident in Spokane or elsewhere in Washington State, you may be eligible for compensation. The eligibility criteria and available compensation options can vary depending on your employment status and the circumstances of the accident.

Construction Workers' Eligibility for Compensation After a Workplace Injury

If you're an employee injured on a construction site, you're typically eligible for workers' compensation benefits. However, workers' compensation may not cover all your losses, especially in cases of severe injury or long-term disability.

Can I Get Compensation for a Construction Site Injury If I'm Not a Worker?

Even if you're not a construction worker (e.g., a passerby or site visitor), you may still have legal options if you've been injured on or near a construction site.

Premises liability laws in Washington State require property owners and contractors to maintain safe conditions for visitors and passersby. If your injury resulted from their negligence, you might be entitled to compensation through a personal injury claim.

Legal Options for Compensation After a Construction Injury in Spokane

When you've been injured in a construction accident in Spokane, you have several legal options to pursue compensation:

Workers' Compensation Claims in WA

For most injured construction workers, the primary source of compensation is through the workers' compensation system under the Washington State Department of Labor & Industries. Benefits typically include:

  • Medical treatment coverage
  • Partial wage replacement
  • Disability benefits
  • Vocational rehabilitation services

However, benefits under an L&I claim are often limited and may not fully cover all your losses, especially in cases of severe injury or long-term disability.

Personal Injury Claims in WA

In many cases, pursuing a personal injury claim can provide more comprehensive compensation than a workers' compensation claim alone. Unlike workers' comp, a personal injury lawsuit allows you to seek compensation for pain and suffering, full lost wages, and other non-economic damages.

Deadline for Filing a Personal Injury Claim After a Construction Accident

In Washington State, the statute of limitations for filing a personal injury claim is generally three years from the date of the accident. However, there are exceptions to this rule, and it's crucial to consult with an experienced personal injury attorney as soon as possible to ensure your rights are protected.

Who Can Be Held Liable for a Construction Site Injury in WA?

Understanding who can be held liable and who pays the damages in a construction accident case is crucial for injured parties seeking compensation. In Spokane and throughout Washington State, several entities may be responsible for paying damages in construction accident claims:


For injured construction workers, the primary source of compensation is often the employer's workers' compensation insurance. This no-fault system provides benefits regardless of who was at fault for the accident. The employer's insurance company pays for medical expenses, a portion of lost wages, and disability benefits.

Property Owners

Under premises liability laws, property owners can be held responsible for accidents that occur due to unsafe conditions on their property. If a construction site accident was caused by a hazardous condition that the property owner knew or should have known about, they may be liable for damages.

General Contractors and Subcontractors

General contractors have a responsibility to maintain a safe work environment on the construction site. They may be held liable for accidents caused by their negligence or failure to follow safety regulations. Subcontractors can also be held responsible for accidents related to their specific work areas or tasks.

Equipment Manufacturers

If a construction accident was caused by defective equipment or machinery, the manufacturer of that equipment could be held liable under product liability laws. This includes cases where equipment malfunctions or lacks proper safety features.

Third-Party Vendors or Service Providers

Other companies or individuals providing services on the construction site may be held liable if their negligence contributed to the accident. This could include delivery drivers, equipment rental companies, or maintenance crews.

Architects or Engineers

In some cases, if a design flaw or engineering mistake led to the accident, the responsible architects or engineers could be held liable for damages.

Who Pays Out the Compensation After a Construction Accident in Spokane, WA?

The payment of damages typically comes from the following sources:

Insurance Companies

Most often, the liable party's insurance company will pay the damages. This could be:

  • Workers' compensation insurance
  • General liability insurance
  • Professional liability insurance
  • Product liability insurance

Insurance may or may not cover the full extent of the victim’s damages, making alternative sources of compensation an important consideration.

Self-Insured Entities

Some large companies or government entities may be self-insured and pay damages directly.

Multiple Parties

In cases with shared liability, multiple parties (and their insurers) may contribute to the total compensation.

Damages You Can Recover After a Construction Accident in Washington

If you've been injured in a construction accident in Spokane or elsewhere in Washington State, you may be entitled to various types of compensation. The specific damages you can recover will depend on the circumstances of your case and the type of claim you're pursuing (workers' compensation or personal injury lawsuit). Here's an overview of the potential damages:

Economic Damages

These damages compensate you for tangible losses, such as:

  • Medical expenses
  • Lost income
  • Out-of-pocket expenses

Keeping records of medical documents, pay stubs, and receipts for repairs can help your attorney build a strong case for compensation on your behalf.

Non-Economic Damages

(Applies when someone other than the employer is at fault.)

These damages are intended to compensate you for intangible losses, such as:

  • Pain and suffering
  • Loss of enjoyment of life
  • Loss of consortium

Non-economic damages are difficult to quantify but can comprise a substantial portion of your total damages.

Wrongful Death Damages

If a construction accident results in a fatality, the deceased worker's family may be eligible to file a wrongful death claim. Damages in these cases can include:

  • Funeral and burial expenses
  • Loss of financial support
  • Loss of companionship and guidance

Only certain people can file a wrongful death claim depending on their relationship with the deceased. Contact us to discuss your options.

Why Choose Lehmbecker Law for Your Construction Accident Case?

When you're dealing with the aftermath of a construction accident, choosing the right legal representation can make all the difference. Here's why our Spokane construction accident lawyers at Lehmbecker Law stand out:

Remember, when you're facing the aftermath of a construction accident, time is of the essence. The sooner you reach out to our experienced personal injury attorneys, the better we can protect your rights and build a strong case for your construction accident claim.

Our dedicated team of Spokane lawyers is ready to fight for your rights and help you deal with the legal system.

Don't Let a Construction Injury Derail Your Life

The road to recovery starts with a phone call. Lehmbecker Law is here to guide you through the legal process and fight for your future. Call us today!

Contact Us

Construction industry experience: Our attorneys have extensive knowledge of construction practices, OSHA regulations, and common safety violations on job sites.

On-site investigation skills: Our team conducts thorough on-site investigations, preserving crucial evidence that can make or break your construction accident claim.

Workers' comp and third-party claim coordination: We skillfully handle both workers' compensation and personal injury lawsuits to maximize your compensation.

Access to industry experts: We collaborate with construction safety experts, accident reconstructionists, and medical professionals to build strong cases.

Proven track record in Spokane courts: Our firm has successfully litigated construction accident cases in Eastern Washington.

Injured on a Construction Site in Spokane, WA?

Don't let your suffering go uncompensated. Contact Lehmbecker Law today for a free consultation, and let our lawyers fight for you!

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Verdicts and Settlements

Explore our impressive record of favorable verdicts and settlements, which showcases our success in securing just compensation for our clients.
Overcoming Negative Police Report
For a Client Wrongly Put at Fault
Lehmbecker Law overcomes a negative police report and secures the client compensation for his medical costs, pain and suffering, and property damage.
For a Victim of DUI Accident in Dram Shop Case
Lehmbecker Law successfully recovers damages for a victim of a DUI accident and holds a bar accountable for over serving.
Lifetime Pension Awarded
For a Roofer After 5-Year Fight
Lehmbecker Law reaches a successful settlement for a family whose father was seriously injured.
Lehmbecker Law reaches a successful settlement for a family whose father was seriously injured.
We also obtained a lifetime pension from worker’s compensation for this injured worker.
For a Client Suffered From a Dog Attack
Our exceptional advocacy leads to a great outcome in a pit bull attack case, securing justice and compensation for the victim.
For a Client Suffered From a Dog Bite
Lehmbecker Law secures victory in dog bite lawsuit, delivering justice and compensation to the victim.
Finding a hidden $5M umbrella policy and making a compelling video from the Grandfather’s family helped us settle this case in less than a year.
We showed that the physician performed an unnecessary procedure that seriously injured our client.
The insurance company didn’t believe she was that injured. We convinced them.
for an elderly woman who suffered a shoulder injury that required surgery
After being struck in a crosswalk by a delivery van.
for a young woman who suffered multiple orthopedic injuries
After being struck in a crosswalk by a taxicab.
for our client who suffered permanent cardiovascular impairment
After his surgeon attempted to perform an unnecessary procedure.
for our client who was hit in the front driver’s side of her vehicle
As she was driving straight through a green light in Kirkland, WA.
for our client after she was hit by a driver failing to yield
While making a left turn.
for our client
After being hit by a driver making an illegal U-turn.
for our client when a piece of plywood fell onto his knee and punctured it
While working on a construction site.
for our client
After being T-boned by a drunk driver.
for our client who was crushed under a wall
While working on a construction site.
for our client
After he and his dog were hit by a distracted driver who didn’t see them crossing the street.
for our client
After his leg was broken in three places during a construction-site accident that occurred while he was working as a carpenter.
for our client
After being hit and run side-swiped on the freeway (uninsured motorist claim).
for our client
Who violently rear ended while traveling back to his office in the Seattle area.
for our client
After being rear-ended while at a complete stop.
for our client
after he slowed down to make a turn and was rear ended.
for our client
After being hit twice within one year.
for our client
After our client exited a restaurant, slipped on a mossy paving stone and fell, resulting in a broken ankle.
for our client
After he was bitten by a dog in the leg while delivering a package.


Stars reviews
5 months ago
Thank you very much for fighting for me really hard, I know it’s only beginning but I am so happy and satisfied with the results.
Stars reviews
5 months ago
Thank you very much for fighting for me really hard, I know it’s only beginning but I am so happy and satisfied with the results.
Stars reviews
5 months ago
Thank you very much for fighting for me really hard, I know it’s only beginning but I am so happy and satisfied with the results.
Stars reviews
5 months ago
Thank you very much for fighting for me really hard, I know it’s only beginning but I am so happy and satisfied with the results.
Stars reviews
5 months ago
Thank you very much for fighting for me really hard, I know it’s only beginning but I am so happy and satisfied with the results.
Stars reviews
5 months ago
Thank you very much for fighting for me really hard, I know it’s only beginning but I am so happy and satisfied with the results.

Areas We Serve

Whether your construction accident happened in Spokane, Seattle, or anywhere in between, Lehmbecker Law is just a phone call away. Your rights matter, no matter your location!


11711 SE 8th ST. STE. 120, Bellevue, WA

Federal Way

Uptown Square Complex 1066 S. 320th ST., BLDG. K,
STE. F Federal Way, WA 98003

Ready to Take Action? Get Your Free Case Review Today

Don't let the complexities of a construction accident claim overwhelm you. Let our experienced Spokane lawyers handle the legal details while you focus on your recovery. Contact our law office today to schedule a free consultation and learn how we can help you seek the compensation you deserve!
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