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Workers' Compensation for Out-of-State Employees

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    Workers' Compensation for Out-of-State Employees

    Workers' compensation is a form of no-fault insurance mandated by state law that offers medical and financial benefits to employees injured on the job. However, when an injury occurs out of state, determining which state's workers' comp laws apply can be difficult. Mobility raises crucial questions about the limitations of workers' compensation coverage.

    If you suffer a work-related injury while out of state, are you still protected? Which state's laws apply? With over 37 years of experience, the workers' compensation lawyers at Lehmbecker Law are ready to help shed light on out-of-state workers' comp, exploring eligibility, jurisdiction, and the steps to take if you get injured out of state.

    Understanding Out-of-State Workers' Compensation Coverage

    In most states, including Washington, workers' compensation insurance is mandatory for businesses with employees. Failure to provide workers' comp coverage can result in severe penalties, including fines and even criminal charges. Therefore, it's essential for employers to ensure that they have the proper coverage in place to protect their workers and operations.

    Employers are often required to secure workers' compensation coverage in each state where they have employees. This can be done through a single insurance carrier with multi-state licenses or separate policies for each state, depending on the insurance carrier and state regulations.

    Some states, known as monopolistic states (of which Washington State is one), require employers to obtain workers' comp insurance exclusively through their state-run program.

    However, certain categories of workers have different rules.

    Understanding Out-of-State Workers' Compensation Coverage

    Independent Contractors

    While typically not covered by workers’ comp insurance, some independent contractors may be eligible if the business they work for has significant control over their work. Determining this can be complex and requires a close examination of the working relationship.

    Specific Exclusions

    Certain public employees (police officers, firefighters, etc.), maritime workers (such as seamen and longshoremen), and federal employees aren’t covered by state workers' compensation. These professionals fall under separate systems or federal laws.

    Key Considerations for Out-of-State Workers' Comp

    The location on which workers' compensation insurance is based depends on the specific circumstances of the employment and injury.

    Understanding the following aspects is essential for both employers and employees dealing with out-of-state coverage regulations.

    State Laws

    Each state has its own workers' comp laws, which can differ in terms of eligibility requirements, benefit amounts, and procedures. For example, some states have higher maximum benefits for medical expenses or lost wages than others.


    Determining which state has jurisdiction over a claim can be tricky and comes down to various factors, including the state of hire, the state of injury, and the employee's primary work location. Courts often use the "most significant contacts" test to determine which state has the most substantial connection to the employment relationship.


    Insurance Coverage

    Employers must ensure that they have adequate coverage for their out-of-state employees, either through their primary workers' compensation policy or additional coverage options like extraterritorial insurance.

    Reciprocal Agreements

    Some states have reciprocal agreements with other states regarding workers' comp. These agreements allow injured employees to claim benefits under their home state's workers' compensation laws, even if the injury occurred in another state.

    It's important to understand whether such an agreement exists between your home state and the state where you were injured.

    Workers' Compensation Across State Lines: Factors Determining Coverage and Eligibility

    Determining jurisdiction for an out-of-state injury claim is a legal challenge.

    Courts often use the "most significant contacts" test, which examines the injured party’s connections to the place where they were hired and injured. Employment contracts sometimes have "choice of law" clauses, but they're not always enforceable in workers' comp cases. Some states have reciprocal agreements outlining which state's laws apply.

    When an employee is injured while working in another state, determining workers' comp eligibility and the applicable laws can be tricky.

    Several key coverage requirements and factors come into play, including the following.

    State of Hire

    The state where you were initially hired may have jurisdiction over your claim, especially if your employment contract specifies that the state's laws govern the employment relationship. This means you may need to file your claim in your home state, even if the injury happened elsewhere.

    State of Injury

    The state where the injury occurred could also claim jurisdiction, as they have a vested interest in protecting workers within their borders. If your injury happened in a different state, you might be able to file a claim there.

    State of Injury

    State of Residence

    Even if you’re injured out of state, you may be covered by the workers' compensation laws of the state where you primarily live and work, especially if your job is based there.

    Employer's Insurance Coverage

    Your employer's workers' compensation policy may extend to other states if it includes "other states coverage." This inclusion can streamline the process, as you won't need to navigate multiple state systems.

    These jurisdictional nuances could impact the benefits you receive and the procedures you must follow. An experienced attorney can help you understand these complicated legal requirements and ensure that you file your claim in the appropriate jurisdiction.

    Can I Get Workers' Comp if I’m Temporarily Working in a Different State?

    For employees who work in other states on a temporary basis, their employer's workers' compensation policy may extend coverage to that state. This is known as extraterritorial coverage.

    Alternatively, the injured worker may be able to file a claim in the state where the injury occurred, even if their employer doesn’t have coverage in that state. However, not all states have the same workers' comp laws, and benefits can differ considerably.

    To ensure adequate coverage for their out-of-state employees, employers can purchase extraterritorial insurance or "other states coverage" policies. Additionally, reciprocal agreements between states may allow injured employees to receive benefits similar to those in their home state.

    Can I Get Workers' Comp if I’m Temporarily Working in a Different State?

    If I Move Out of State While Receiving Workers' Comp Benefits, Will I Continue to Receive Them?

    Your workers' compensation benefits generally remain intact if you move out of state after being injured in a work-related accident. That means you can still receive medical treatment, wage replacement, and other benefits as outlined in your claim, even if you relocate.

    That said, there are a few important considerations that could affect your eligibility or the extent of your coverage.


    It's imperative to notify your employer and the Department of Labor in your state of your change of address. By doing so, you can ensure that you receive all communication and payments promptly.

    Medical Treatment

    You may need to find a new medical provider in your destination state who is authorized to treat you under the workers' compensation laws of the state where you were injured. Your state's workers' compensation agency can furnish a list of approved providers in your new location.

    Medical Treatment

    Jurisdictional Issues

    While your benefits may remain intact, moving out of state could create certain jurisdictional issues, especially if your case is ongoing or there are disputes regarding your eligibility or the amount of benefits. It's advisable to consult a qualified workers' compensation attorney to understand how your move may impact your case.

    In some cases, L&I may request that you undergo an independent medical examination (IME) in your previous state to assess your current condition and treatment plan. L&I will pay for your travel and accommodations for an IME. This is a standard practice, and your attorney can help you prepare for the exam.

    If you’re considering relocating after a work-related injury, the wisest course of action is to speak with a workers' compensation attorney. They can offer personalized guidance to ensure that you receive the benefits you deserve and protect your rights even if your claim is denied.

    Can I Receive Workers' Comp Benefits If I Work Remotely?

    Yes. Your workers' compensation coverage typically remains in effect even if you work remotely as long as the injury or illness is directly related to your work duties.

    However, your eligibility depends on a few factors.

    State of Residence and Employment

    If you reside and work for an employer based in the same state, your coverage falls under the laws of that state, regardless of where you physically perform your work.

    Out-of-State Residents Working for an Employer in a Different State

    This scenario makes things a little more murky.

    Your eligibility for workers' compensation may hinge on one or several small details, including:

    • The specific laws of both your state of residence and your employer's state
    • The terms of your employment contract
    • The nature of your work
    • The location of your injury

    A knowledgeable attorney will analyze these factors in depth and explain how they inform your specific case.

    Out-of-State Residents Working for an Employer in a Different State

    Location of Injury

    The state where the injury occurred can also be a determining factor.

    If you were hurt while performing work-related duties in your home state, you’d be able to file a claim like normal. However, if the injury occurred while you were temporarily in your employer's state for work-related purposes, you might be covered by that state's laws instead.

    It's essential to consult an attorney if you're injured while working remotely, as the laws governing workers' compensation can vary from state to state. Your lawyer will identify the appropriate jurisdiction and guide you through the claims process.

    What Workers' Compensation Covers for Out-of-State Employees: Your Benefits and Rights

    If you're an employee injured while working out of state, you're likely still entitled to workers' compensation benefits similar to those injured within their home states. These benefits are designed to support your recovery and compensate you for your losses.

    Here's a breakdown of what workers' compensation typically covers for out-of-state employees.

    Medical Benefits

    Medical treatment benefits cover all reasonable and necessary medical care related to your work injury, including doctor visits, hospitalization, surgeries, medications, physical therapy, and other necessary treatments.

    Similarly, travel expenses provide reimbursement for transportation costs to and from medical appointments, including mileage and potentially airfare or other travel expenses, depending on the distance and necessity.

    Disability Benefits

    State workers’ compensation agencies recognize various types and degrees of disability, including:

    • Temporary partial disability (TPD): If you can work but with reduced hours or duties, TPD benefits will compensate you for the difference in your earnings, also called Loss of Earning Power benefits.
    • Temporary total disability (TTD): If your injury prevents you from working entirely, you can receive TTD benefits to replace a portion of your lost wages, also called Time Loss Benefits.
    • Permanent partial disability (PPD): If your injury results in permanent impairment, your PPD benefits will be based on your disability rating and average weekly wage.
    • Permanent total disability (PTD): If your injury leaves you completely unable to work, you may be eligible for PTD benefits, which provide long-term financial support, also called Pension.

    A state-selected doctor will examine you and assign you a disability rating based on the nature and severity of your injuries during your independent medical examination.

    Disability Benefits

    Vocational Rehabilitation

    If your injury prevents you from returning to your previous job, you may be eligible for vocational rehabilitation services. These services can help you acquire new skills, find a new job, or modify your current job to accommodate your limitations.

    Death Benefits

    In the unfortunate event of a work-related fatality, the victim’s dependents may be entitled to death benefits, including funeral expenses and a portion of the deceased’s lost wages.

    Keep in mind that specific benefits and their amounts will vary depending on the state where you file your claim. However, most states offer similar benefits for work-related injuries, ensuring that injured workers receive essential support regardless of where their injury occurred.

    What Workers' Comp Doesn’t Cover

    While workers' compensation is meant to be a comprehensive safety net for injured workers, there are certain limitations to its coverage.

    In general, workers' compensation doesn’t cover injuries or illnesses characterized by the following conditions.

    Intentional Self-Infliction

    If an employee becomes injured after committing an act expressly intended to harm themselves, it typically falls outside the scope of workers' compensation.


    Injuries or illnesses sustained while under the influence of drugs or alcohol may not be covered, especially if intoxication is the sole cause of the incident.

    Suffered During Voluntary, Off-Duty Activities

    Workers’ comp doesn’t offer compensation for injuries that occur during activities unrelated to work duties, even if they happen on the employer's premises.

    Sustained During Commute

    Injuries received while commuting to or from work aren’t usually covered unless the employee was performing work-related duties during the commute.

    Resulting from Fights or Horseplay

    If an employee is injured during a fight or horseplay unrelated to work tasks, they likely won’t be eligible for benefits.

    Pain and Suffering

    Unlike personal injury lawsuits, workers' compensation generally doesn’t pay out for pain, suffering, or emotional distress associated with injury or illness. That’s because it’s a no-fault system focused on providing financial support for medical treatment and lost wages.

    Stress-Related Conditions Not Directly Caused by Work

    While some stress-related conditions may be covered (including anxiety and PTSD, under certain circumstances), those that have manifested primarily due to personal factors unrelated to the job likely won’t be.

    Stress-Related Conditions Not Directly Caused by Work

    Workers' Compensation Policy in Washington State

    In Washington, workers' compensation is governed by Title 51 of the Revised Code of Washington (RCW) and the Washington Administrative Code (WAC). The state’s Department of Labor & Industries (L&I) administers this no-fault insurance program, ensuring that employees who suffer from work-related injuries or illnesses receive essential medical and financial benefits, regardless of who was at fault for the incident.

    This comprehensive system covers a wide variety of expenses, including medical bills, rehabilitation costs, and a portion of lost wages. It also provides disability payments and death benefits in specific cases.

    By mandating this insurance, the state aims to protect workers and extend a safety net for those injured on the job while also limiting employer liability and promoting a safer work environment.

    Jurisdiction and Coverage: What to Do If You’re Injured Out of State While Employed in Washington

    Determining jurisdiction and protecting your compensation rights when injured out of state while working for a Washington employer requires a thorough understanding of the applicable laws.

    Here's what you need to know.

    Washington's Jurisdiction

    If you primarily reside and work in Washington and are injured while temporarily working in another state, Washington's workers' compensation laws likely apply. In this situation, you can file a claim with WA L&I.

    Washington's Jurisdiction

    Other State's Jurisdiction

    If your work primarily takes place in another state or your employment contract specifies that another state's laws take precedence, you may need to file a claim in that state.

    Employer's Insurance Coverage

    Your employer's workers' comp insurance policy may include "other states coverage," extending protection to you even if you’re injured in another state.

    Reciprocal Agreements

    Washington has reciprocal agreements with certain states. If you’re injured in one of these states while working for a Washington employer, you can claim benefits under Washington law.

    Factors Affecting Compensation for Out-of-State Claims

    The amount of compensation you receive for an out-of-state workers' comp claim depends on several factors, which are similar to those that apply to in-state claims.

    Severity of Injury

    More serious injuries, such as those resulting in permanent disability, typically lead to higher settlement values.

    Applicable State Laws

    The specific workers' compensation laws of the state where you file your claim will dictate the type and amount of benefits you’re entitled to.

    These laws vary from one state to the next, especially in regard to details like the maximum weekly benefit amount for lost wages, the duration of benefits, and the types of medical treatments covered. It's critical to understand the differences between the laws of your home state and the state where the injury occurred.

    Applicable State Laws

    Average Weekly Wage (AWW)

    Your average weekly wage before the injury will be used to calculate your wage replacement benefits, which are usually a percentage of your earnings. The methods used to make this calculation also differ between states.

    Medical Treatment Costs

    There could be major discrepancies in the cost of medical care depending on the state and the type of treatment required. It's important to factor in these potential differences when assessing your compensation.

    Disability Rating

    If your injury results in a disability, your disability rating will decide the amount of compensation you receive. Again, different states use different methods for assigning disability ratings.

    What to Do If You’ve Been Injured Out of State: Steps Toward Compensation

    You’ll need to take the following vital steps if you suffer a work-related injury while working out of state:

    1. Report the Injury to Your Employer

    Notify your employer immediately, providing specific details regarding the incident, where it occurred, and the nature of your injuries. Responsive action is crucial for initiating the claims process and ensuring that your employer is aware of your situation.

    2. Seek Prompt Medical Attention

    Regardless of where you were injured, seek medical treatment as soon as possible. Document all medical appointments, treatments, diagnoses, and associated expenses — this will be important evidence for your workers' comp claim.

    3. Consult a Workers' Compensation Attorney

    Contact a qualified workers' compensation attorney. They can advise you on your rights and options, help you decide whether to file a workers' comp or personal injury claim, identify the appropriate jurisdiction for filing your claim, and guide you through the ensuing legal process.

    Secure Your Rights with Exceptional Legal Support

    If you've become sick or injured while working out of state, the complexities of the law shouldn’t deter you from seeking the benefits you’re entitled to. Remember, you have rights, regardless of where your work takes you.

    However, handling out-of-state workers' compensation claims requires extensive knowledge of the laws and regulations involved. The experienced work injury attorneys at Lehmbecker Law can give you the guidance and support you need to exercise your rights and obtain fair compensation under the law. Contact us today for a free consultation!

    Overwhelmed by the Legal Process?

    Untangling the intricacies of workers’ comp laws can be stressful. Contact Lehmbecker Law today and let us handle the legal legwork while you focus on recovery.

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    Don't Let Legal Complications Derail Your Claim

    The veteran attorneys at Lehmbecker Law know the system inside and out. Get trustworthy legal representation for your claim — call us today!

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    Larry A. Lehmbecker
    Firm Founder, Larry Lehmbecker, has nearly 40 years of experience fighting for the injured in Washington State. He is always eager to share his knowledge to help those in need.
    Contact Lehmbecker Law Today
    Our attorneys and paralegals have decades of experience to help ensure you get the proper treatment for your injuries.
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